
The Best Day EVER. My First Book Signing!!

Today was incredible.
And I don't say that because I'm a dramatic author, who fantasizes about days like today (because I totally am, and I totally do fantasize about days like today…)

 When I first signed my contracts with HarperCollins, I felt like I was in a dream.

When I announced the book deals, I felt like I was in a dream.

When I saw my book covers, and revealed them, I felt like I was in a dream.

But today was different. It was real. And it all FELT very, very real. So real that I wanted to cry. It was the first moment, honestly, that I felt like a REAL writer. Not when I signed the contract. Not when I saw the cover, or shared it online, or got to hold the ARC of my book in my hands for the very first time. Those were great days.

But today was THE day.

I got to sign copies of both The Murder Complex and Balance Keepers#1, and I had an actual signing line. A real line, full of REAL readers!

There were 500 teens, packed into a room, and they were loud and crazy and they pushed and shoved, but most beautiful of all, they LOVED books. I mean really loved them.

I had so many teens who KNEW about The Murder Complex and Balance Keepers. I had so many people get upset when I ran out of ARCS, and I ran out fast! I had teens say, "NO I WANTED THAT BOOK!" And I apologized profusely, with a huge this isn't real smile on my face. I had a girl comment on how adorable my pet hedgehog Hedwig was, and I thought "YOU KNOW ABOUT MY PET HEDGEHOG?…wait…you know about ME?!"

And for the 45 minutes in sat in that chair, scribbling my name over and over in my own books, fragments of myself placed into pages, it was this moment where all the noise and the chaos disappeared, and it was my voice in my mind, saying over and over again, "this is real, Lindsay. You made it. You really, really made it."

As a writer, I often feel lonely and forgotten, and unimportant, when I'm sitting in my apartment with my pajamas on, writing away, with nothing but the sound of my fingers tapping the keyboard and the occasional bark from my dogs. It's a long wait to publication. I'm still not there, but I'm close. Like, next month close.

Today I was noticed, by people that thought I was someone, someone who did important things, and who made a difference in their lives.

I wanted to cry. I almost did.

Instead, I smiled and held it together and signed tons of copies, and passed out bookmarks and tshirts and smiled and soaked it all in.

Because it's only just the beginning.

And if this is only the beginning…..it's going to be a beautiful, wild ride. I'm so grateful. I'm so humbled and blessed and overwhelmed by the fact that this is my career. This is my life. God gave me a talent and a love for writing, and my agent noticed me, and she helped HarperCollins notice me, too.

To everyone involved in this journey….Thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I couldn't be more grateful.

Today, I am the luckiest girl in the world.


  1. AAAW I Wish I could have been there to get a book and compliment your hedgehog! :)

  2. Oh my gosh, amazing, I'm so happy for you! Thanks for sharing your honest feelings about this experience. Despite the lonely writing days (and waiting days I'm sure), you've had such an exciting journey. Major #TeamFury win right here. I CANNOT wait to read The Murder Complex -- it sounds fantastic, and like something I would read even if I didn't know you through our agent. :o)

  3. So awesome!! I wish I could have been there!

    Michelle @ Book Briefs

  4. So, so, so proud of you! What an amazing way to kick off an incredible writing career. There are big things in store for you, my dear. I just know it. <3

  5. Yay! Congrats on a fabulous first signing and here's to many, many more to come!

  6. CONGRATULATIONS! I can only imagine that being one of the best feelings in the world :) YOU DID IT! And believe me when I say I can't wait to get my greedy hands on The Murder Complex the day it comes out! Also, you're even more awesome for being a lefty :D LEFTIES UNITE! Sorry, couldn't help myself. I love it when I find fellow lefties :P Congrats again on this book signing and many more to come!

  7. Awwww congrats!!! I can't imagine how wonderful that must have been; I hope one day I'm able to experience the same thing if ever my book is published! :)

  8. I'm so happy for you! I'm editing my first book at the moment and plan to have it out this summer so I kind of know what you mean about a lot of it. I can only imagine what that day will be like for me. I don't think I would be able to hold it together! Lol. Congrats!

  9. I saw your posts on Facebook, and I'm so thrilled for you. Congrats! You deserve every happiness.

  10. We are so happy for and so proud of the young woman you are. You are an inspiration! It is an absolute joy to see you excelling at using the gifts that God has blessed you with.

  11. Amazing and awesome!!!! I still laugh about Bed, Bath & Beyond--I'm so happy for you. <3

  12. Beautiful post. I almost cried for you while I read it. Congratulations. I'm so glad you're enjoying this wild ride.

  13. Super fantastic, Lindsay. And now, readers are holding your books in their hands. Maybe flipping back to your autograph from time-to-time, remembering that they met you, the one who wrote the words they're reading. So rad.

  14. Congrats Lindsay! I'm so happy for you and for almost having the opportunity to share your books with everyone soon! I definitely look forward to reading them as soon as release day comes! Happy reading! -Hillary

  15. awesome!!! CONGRATS!! That' so awesome to have those readers with your book wanting your autograph. What a sweet day!!

  16. That's absolutely AMAZING. Congratulations!!!!

  17. Yay! You RITE!! ...the hard part, though, is gettn Upstairs. We can certainly help...

    Dunno if you RITE... yet, lemme add summore thots; lemme fill-you-up withe efficacious epiphany, the avant-gardeness and necessary wisdom to achieve Seventh-Heaven, dear, if ya desire Seventh-Heaven...

    If 'freedom lies in being bold' (Robert Frost), doesn't pushing-the-envelope also result in the Elysian Fields of Utopia? If I'm the sower, we plant the Seed; if I'm an artist, we RITE the symphonies heard Upstairs ☆IF☆ we accept His lead withe orchestra...

    Wanna find-out the fax, Jak, in a wurld fulla the 'power of cowards'? Wanna wiseabove to help a 'Plethora Of Wurdz' [POW!] which are look'n for a new home in thy novelty?? Yay!

    Q: But [gulp] can anyone tell me the difference between K2/IQ? A: Nthn. In Heaven, we gitt'm both for eternity HA! Need a few more thots, ideers, wild wurdz (whoa, Nelly! easy, girl!) or ironclad iconoclasms?

    VERBUM SAT SAPIENTI (Latin: words to [the] wise): As an ex-writer of the sassy, savvy, schizophenia we all go thro in this lifelong demise, I just wanna help U.S. git past the ping-pong-politixx, the whorizontal more!ass! we're in and wiseabove to 'in fin sine fin' (Latin: in [the] End without End -Saint Augustine).

    "This finite existence is only a test, son," God Almighty told me in my coma. "Far beyond thy earthly tempest is where you'll find tangible, corpulent eloquence". Lemme tella youse without d'New Joisey accent...

    I actually saw Seventh-Heaven when we died: you couldn't GET!! any moe curly, party-hardy-endorphins, low-hanging-fruit of the Celestial Paradise, extravagantly-surplus-lush Upstairs (awww! baby kitties, too!!) when my o-so-beautifull, brilliant, bombastic girly passed-away due to those wry, sardonic satires...

    "Those who are wise will shine as brightly as the expanse of the Heavens, and those who have instructed many in uprightousness as bright as stars for all eternity" -Daniel 12:3, NJB

    Here's also what the prolific, exquisite GODy sed: 'the more you shall honor Me, the more I shall bless you' -the Infant Jesus of Prague.

    Go gitt'm, girly. You're incredible. You're indelible. Cya Upstairs. I won't be joining'm in the nasty Abyss where Isis prowls
    PS Need summore unique, uncivilized, useless names?? Lemme gonna gitcha started, brudda:

    Oak Woods, Franky Sparks, Athena Noble, Autumn Rose, Faith Bishop, Dolly Martin, Willow Rhodes, Cocoa Major, Roman Stone, Bullwark Burnhart, Magnus Wilde, Kardiak Arrest, Will Wright, Goldy Silvers, Penelope Summers, Sophie Sharp, Violet Snow, Lizzy Roach, BoxxaRoxx, Aunty Dotey, Romero Stark, Zacharia Neptoon, Mercurio Morrissey, Fritz & Felix Franz, Victor Payne, Isabella Silverstein, Mercedes Kennedy, Redd Rust, Phoenix Martini, Ivy Squire, Sauer Wolfe, Yankee Cooky, blessed b9... (or mixNmatch)

    God blessa youse
    -Fr. Sarducci, ol SNL

  18. Yay! You kept it!!! I gotta lotta vivid dreams for yooNeye Upstairs, dear:
    howja like to RITE for eternity? YOU!
    AND EYE CAN!!! It ain't too difficult!!!
    Just gotta accept Jesus!!! No religion
    can keep you away from spilling your
    heart out by kneeling at your bedside,
    miss adorable girly. Yes, dear, I'm one
    Big Sinner, Too.Follow us Upstairs, lil1,
    and we'll RITE for exponentials:
    ● NOPEcantELOPE.blogspot.com ●
    Cya soon, girly-withe-curly...
