
How Books SAVED Me

Most people know that I've had health issues, and that's why I became a writer. Here's the full story...I hope you guys enjoy it, and feel encouraged! :) Books are worth it!!


  1. Lindsay, I follow you on Twitter, but I don't think I've stopped by your blog to comment until now. What a beautiful story ... thanks for sharing from your heart. I'm passing this on.

  2. Love how God uses unlikely (unwanted?) circumstances to show us His plans. Beautiful story, friend. Thanks for sharing.

  3. I very much needed to here your story today. Thank you for your honesty and general openness. I look forward to reading your books.

  4. Thank you for posting this. I have a similar story. It's very encouraging and means a lot to me that others have the same story and that you're willing to share your story and be open about it is very inspiring.

  5. Wow. You are made of awesome. What an inspiring story. Thanks so much for putting it out in the world to inspire others.
